Pam Pam Plant-based Asian food that is ready to heat, delicious, and easy!
Pam Pam provides delicious plant-based Asian ready meals using fresh ingredients and gives off authentic ingredients using aromatic spices such as our fresh chillies, lemongrass, coriander and cardamom.
Our meals are convenient stores in the freezer for a fast meal. Snap-frozen right after they are made locking in flavour and nutrients. It is completely plant-based, guaranteed.

Meet our founder
Pamela, founder of Pam Pam. She was born in Thailand and moved to Australia to live in Sydney, Australia.
She grew up in a family of entrepreneurs. Seeing the dedication and hardship of her parents running their business one after another, some fail and some succeed. She inherits the entrepreneur blood from them.
After she graduated, with her passion for food in a combination with her Thai background, Pam Pam was born in 2017.
She started small by selling and delivering plant-based steamed buns business to friends and customer house then start selling in markets.
With great feedback on the products, after two years, she decided to rent a premise, renovate and set up her own factory, get her very first stores in Sydney CBD in 2019 and get into the first distributor in 2020 for NSW and ACT. In 2021, Pam Pam was expanding to the interstate and launched into QLD, VIC, TAS and WA retail shops.
In November 2021, due to pandemic and economic conditions, Pam Pam business model has a big turnaround into an online home delivery service. Pam Pam produces and offers a wide variety of plant-based Asian food such as ready meals, dumplings, spring rolls and buns.
Quickly expanding range from 3 products to 30+ meals in half a year and expand the delivery range from NSW to VIC and QLD with a plan to launch into more states soon